44 years
industry experience
Experience of insurance broking, insurance recruitment and of course insurance sector M&A stretching back to 1981 means we speak your language.
An expert, personal, confidential service
Deal directly, consistently and strictly confidentially, from enquiry through to completion, with an industry expert who listens closely to your objectives.
Access to a wide
range of acquirers
Over more than 40 years, we have established close relationships at the highest level with a range of serious acquirers including many who are 'under the radar'.
No Charge To Vendors
Our service to vendors is free of charge. We “broke” businesses to a range of acquirers, in strict confidence, to achieve the best offers.
Our Profile and USPs
A Free Service
No charges made to vendors. We are remunerated by acquirers.
Our Reputation
Our Effectiveness
My Pedigree
Personal Service
You will deal with me personally at all times, find me available and responsive at all hours and benefit from my practical, tenacious and empathetic approach. I will take care of the sale of your business as though it were my own.
Our Specialty
Leslie James Acquisitions is a business broker operating exclusively within the insurance sector.
Our Reach
The Broker Advantage
Our 360 Service
Checkout the full podcast –
Decrypting the M&A Market with David Leslie
YouTalk Insurance interview with David Leslie –
How can you value your insurance business
0800 912 9994 & 07852 556450